Services Provided

Forensic Interviews

A primary goal of TCC is to reduce the number of times a child has to tell his/her story of abuse. Child abuse victims are interviewed in our child friendly facility  to reduce the stress associated with multiple interviews, and to help victims feel as comfortable as possible. Usually, the number of interviews conducted with each victim is reduced to only one recorded session. TCC has an on staff well-trained forensic interviewer who specializes in taking testimony of children using non-suggestive techniques. Having a knowledgeable, neutral interviewer speaking with the child helps to provide a more accurate, consistent account of the abuse from the child victim. The information can then be used in a variety of situations: court proceedings, details for the Department of Human Resources, police recordings, medical examiners and counselors.

Multi-disciplinary Case Investigation & Review

Counselor with child

Child abuse cases are reviewed and monitored by a team of professionals who meet regularly from law enforcement, the Department of Human Resources, the District Attorney's Office, mental health, medicine, local city and county schools, and the Tuscaloosa Children's Center. Multi-disciplinary team members work together to gather evidence, share information, investigate charges of sexual and/or severe physical abuse, and to prepare cases for prosecution. Team members collaborate on strategies that will aid investigators and prosecutors without causing further harm to the child. This innovative multidisciplinary approach significantly increases the likelihood of a successful outcome in court and ensures that the child’s needs are met.

Forensic Medical Exams

Any child or adolescent who discloses any type of abuse needs a medical check up. Regardless of how long ago the assault occurred, it is important that child and adolescent victims receive a check up to ensure that they are healthy. A forensic medical exam is a complete physical conducted by a medical professional specially trained in all forms of child abuse. These specialized medical examinations are designed to gather information about the nature and extent of the abuse. TCC's Child & Family Advocate ensures that the child is scheduled for a medical exam. She makes the appointment and accompanies the child and family to the medical exam.

On-Site Counseling

Child victims and their non-offending family members are provided counseling services at the Tuscaloosa Children's Center and referrals to off-site counselors as requested. A variety of therapy approaches are used during individual, family, and group counseling. Every effort is made to create a safe and supportive environment. For parents/caretakers, counselors will explain the emotional and behavioral dynamics associated with the child’s abuse experience and develop a long-term plan for the child.

TCC Play Room

Victim Services

Services are provided to victims of child abuse and their families including, but not limited to: providing information concerning victim’s rights and compensation, providing accompaniment to medical exams and/or judicial proceedings, and providing referrals to community resources.

Court Preparation

Appearing in court can be a stressful experience for anyone. For a child abuse victim, the court process can be especially traumatizing. Some victims can have a feeling of further victimization by a court system that is unfamiliar to them. As a prevention measure, child abuse victims are escorted to the courtroom before the proceeding in order to get familiarized with the activities in the courtroom. This can assist the child abuse victim in being more comfortable, relaxed, and prepared to participate in court.

Community Programming

Awareness and prevention programming is offered through TCC for Tuscaloosa County and surrounding areas.